
Such a Day

Such a Day

"You can't have a rainbow without a little rain.” — Dolly Parton

Construction: For the background, I used Regina Falango’s Lady Rain paper 1 #2. I modified it slightly and placed Rainbow palette Artsy Paper #3 over the top with blend mode Color Burn. I added Lady Rain transferts and accents to create the rainy street scene. For more color I added parts of Rainbow FotoBlendz No 1 #1, ArtsyTransfers Rainbow #4, and brushes from ArtPlay Palette Rainbow.
I added MultiMedia Rainbows No 1 #1 to the sky, moving and modifying layers. Then added the palette’s red bow.
I created the rainbow colored umbrella by adding ArtsyTransfers Rainbow #1 on top with a blend mode Difference at 90% opacity. I then duplicated it and used blend mode Overlay at 70% opacity.
Last I added the beaded threads “rainbow” from the Rainbow WordART Mix No 1.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  2. Reginafalango
This is fabulous, I love the way you have recoloured the umbrella and added the rainbow colours and embellishments!
This beautiful artistry is featured in the AnnaLift Challenge.

Such a Day by ksacry paints a beautiful rainy day. Silhouette figures are blended with bright splashes of paint and rainbows to create a “happy” rain. The focal image is blended into a watery scene. The color palette features pops of red, blue, yellow, and green as they begin to flow and shift in the down pour. An overlay of rain splatters as the viewer is drawn into the image. An adorable sun appears in sunglasses to anchor a cluster of ribbon and threads. A beaded WordArt title is paired with a song lyric for a strong, uplifting message. Kathy has created a stunning design to fight the rainy day blues.

Thank you, Kathy, for sharing your stunning and inspirational artistry.
What a wonderfully created page! Congrats on your GSO and being chosen for the Anna Lift!

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Anna Aspnes
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255.7 KB
1000px x 1000px

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