


Credits list
AnnaRelease 15 September 2017
Artplay Palette Notabilia (paper, button, dragonfly, transfers)
Artsy Transfers Notabilia (paper texture, splatters, artstrokes)
Notabilia WordART Mix 1
MultiMedia Documents 2
Notabilia FotoBlendz 1

A solid paper from APP Notabilia was used as the foundation of the page. The photo was clipped to the large fotoblendz mask of the psd file. The photo was duplicated two more times (hue adjusted to highlight the purples in the photo) and clipped to the stain layers (recolored purple). Transfers from the kit (the blue hues adjusted to purple) were added. MultiMedia Documents 2_1 was added. The page was completed by adding word art and dimensional embellishments (a color overlay was added to the dragonfly with the blending mode changed to hard light, reduced opacity) along with a paper texture, artstrokes and splatters from AT Notabilia.

Thank you for looking!
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
really nice composition of succulents! Do you keep them outside? I do in the summer then have to find spots inside to winter them over.
really nice composition of succulents! Do you keep them outside? I do in the summer then have to find spots inside to winter them over.
These are the Hens and Chicks that I have in the outside garden. They seem to weather our cold snowy winters fine. Love succulents ... grasses, Hens and Chicks, and hostas are about the only plants I can keep alive and the deer don't eat.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
192.2 KB
600px x 600px

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