
Still My Baby

Still My Baby

My 8-year-old still looks like a baby to me when she sleeps. They grow way too fast.

Journaling: Sweet Riley, you are growing up much faster than I care to admit. Being your mom has been the most important and exciting adventure of my life. I know things are starting to feel strange to you and youre not quite understanding your feelings, but I want you to know that I will always be here for you and eventually, it will all be ok. Just remember, no matter how grown you think you are, you will always be my tiny baby!

Kit is Natural Beauty by Kristin Conin-Barrow at SSD
Curvy stiching from Fee Jarndine's Super Starbright at SSD
Font is Century Gothic
Love your journaling! I can't agree more with it. And the arrangement of elements is gorgeous! Especially the curved stitching.

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