

Squizzy Issy Sock Enthusiast

August 2022 - Challenge #7 - Oscraps Collaborations

A recent sock mystery inspired my page. My kitty family.

For a while my socks have been disappearing with more frequency & volume. Luckily not to the lost sock dimension but I would find them in strange places. Only my socks & didn’t matter, worn or clean. It was one of my 2 cats & they were both good for it. They took socks from open laundry baskets, clean clothing piles…etc. One day when I was putting clothes away. I put one pile of clothes on the bed, then something must of distracted me, so distraction & generally walking into rooms wondering why I was there (not in an existential sense, just not sure what I was doing) was preventing me from putting my clothes away. When I finally remembered, I found Issy had taken a sock I hadn’t rolled in a ball yet & she was sitting on it. Her all this time! So a quiet end to my missing sock mystery.

Also, I think like most pet owners, my cats go by many names, Issy will go by Miss Issy, Squizzy Issy, Sqizz… great imagination going on, lol.

If anyone actually reads all this, thank you & I hope you found some amusement.
Credits list

Issy by me
strumpa-livrustkammaren (I used google translate for English "stocking the life armor chamber") Source Royal Armoury Stockholm Sweden

Retro Typewriter: 1001 fonts
Mosk: The Hungry JPEG

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Designer(s) Used:
  1. Oscraps Collaborations
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Reactions: vickyday
Yes, I read every line! Too funny! Cats are sure mysterious creatures.....and clever! Great page! Thanks for participating!
Lol.. Loved your story about the missing socks. And know that you are not alone in calling your pet about a gazillion different names... our dog is Jack, Jackson, Jackie-boy, Jackass, Jax, Jaximmus, doggo, dogissimus, dog-mog... well, sky's the limit, really...
Yes, I read every line! Too funny! Cats are sure mysterious creatures.....and clever! Great page! Thanks for participating!
Thank you & for reading my story. I found 3 individual socks, not matching she grabbed from a where I hung the pairs to dry. How does she know just to take one from each pair? Lol. Thanks again.
Lol.. Loved your story about the missing socks. And know that you are not alone in calling your pet about a gazillion different names... our dog is Jack, Jackson, Jackie-boy, Jackass, Jax, Jaximmus, doggo, dogissimus, dog-mog... well, sky's the limit, really...
Lol, that sounds about right, they get called twenty names & if you have more than one pet they get called the other’s many names. Issy is very talkative so I tend to call her Miss Meow Meow during our chats. lol. Thank you so much & I loved to hear of another part. bonkers person like me, animals must free us up to relax & carry on with funny things too.

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