
Sleep Journal

Sleep Journal

For My Friends kit by H.H.
Librarian vol 1 by H.H.

Meryl Bartho:
Photo Diary kit
Photo Diary Two kit

Vintage Flowers kit by F. A.


Dear Journal,

I've been sleeping in Alethea's bed since we bought it for her in November of 2008. Before then, Alethea has been co-sleeping with us, even after Rayah was born. Now, both girls and I share this small twin sized bed. It has been tough, being out of my own comfortable bed for so long, sleeping on my side most every night. Im looking forward to returning to my own bed.

I wish that my girls could sleep without me. Well, I know that Rayah can; she does quite a bit before I gather her up when Im ready to go to bed. Alethea can too, but she wakes up a whole lot more when Im not next to her. I know I need to just suck it up and let her get used to sleeping without me next to her. And it needs to happen soon. Very soon.

There is something,
though, that I do every
night. I look at my
girls; just gaze into
their precious sleeping
faces and just thank
God for them and lay
there in amazement, These are my
little girls. These beautiful little girls are mine to hold and to love; to laugh with and to cry with. I am so blessed.

Looking at this photo, how cozy we must look together. Rayah tucked into my side and Alethea draped over my other side, tucked under my shoulder. They just love their Mommy. And my heart is full of love for them...

But oh do I wish I was in my own bed!
this is sooo fantastic!!! What awesome journaling!! Ohhh you will so love your own bed when you make it there!! :)
Oh, this is wonderful! You have inspired me...I have a very similar layout that needs to be created. :) Love this!
This is awesome. We too have a three year old that climbs into our every night.
Wow!!! Your LO is just wonderful! I love it!!! Your design is gorgeous and your journaling is great!!! :) I hope you'll be able to return to your bed very soon! :)

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