


You complained about headaches on thursday but didnt show any signs of fever/ So at friday we just send you to school. In the afternoon you came home with 39,6c fever and even after some feverkillers it was still high in the evening. You walked as if you where drunk and talked like that as well. We called the docters evening office and went there. We had to wait for an hour and when it was your turn the hospital was called immediatly.
The docter and childrensdocter both suspected you had meningitis. Blood was drawn but you didnt want that at all, you where tired and wanted to sleep. You then started having feverish convulsion which was very scarry your body was shaking badly.
All bloodwork seemd to be okay, so at 1 in the night we where send home, you where on a burning 40,9. The next morning you seemed some better and the day after you where fever free.

bg paper - Hollieowood Studios Stark
emergency thing - Holliewood Studios Thingfinder
bandage - Holliewood Studios love and war
benches - Holliewood Studios Kitsch
red glitter - Micheline Martin Livin on the edge
docter related doodles - Kate Hadfield doctordoctor
alpha - Captivated Visions Everyday Stuffs alpha
font - Darcy Baldwin Donnar
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