lacy Sep 14, 2023 Love this bright sunny scene. I'm fascinated by the large water can. Can't tell if it's an element or a large yard ornament in the photo.
Love this bright sunny scene. I'm fascinated by the large water can. Can't tell if it's an element or a large yard ornament in the photo.
myla Sep 14, 2023 lacy said: Love this bright sunny scene. I'm fascinated by the large water can. Can't tell if it's an element or a large yard ornament in the photo. Click to expand... il s'agit d'un grand arrosoir en métal qui décore le jardin it is a large metal watering can that decorates the garden
lacy said: Love this bright sunny scene. I'm fascinated by the large water can. Can't tell if it's an element or a large yard ornament in the photo. Click to expand... il s'agit d'un grand arrosoir en métal qui décore le jardin it is a large metal watering can that decorates the garden
zanthia Sep 14, 2023 photo is so peaceful with all that green - great blending thanks for joining the challenge