
Saddle Shoes 100th AnnaColor Challenge Week 2

Saddle Shoes 100th AnnaColor Challenge Week 2

Journaling: I remember when I was in grade school, girls wore skirts and dresses, never pants, no matter the weather. Saddle shoes were ubiquitous, I saw them everywhere and they were always worn with white ankle socks. Some were always polished, some had scuff marks and some had laces that had seen better days and some had down trodden heels, signs of running and playing. Some saddles were navy and others were brown.
I remember thinking they were the ugliest shoes Id ever seen and they would never, ever grace my feet. And they didnt. Who would want to wear those ugly things with cute skirts or dresses? Gasp!
Now I think they are adorable and Im actually thinking about getting a pair. I like the idea of wearing them with jeans. I dont know if they were a cheap pair of shoes back in the day, but they are not now. They make me smile because they bring back a childhood memory and were iconic for the time. And I have a shoe thing.

ArtPlay Palette BaskArtPlayPaletteBask
PlayPark No. 1PlayParkNo.1
Abstract FotoBlendz No. 8AbstractFotoBlendzNo.8
Artsy FotoBlendz No. 1ArtsyFotoBlendzNo.1
RetroGlows No. 1RetroGlowsNo.1
ArtsyStains No. 3ArtsyStainsNo.3

Notes: Using artsy paper 4 and blending artsy paper 6 into it with Hard Light then using a Hue?Saturation Adjustment layer to intensify the yellows on the papers. I clipped the photo to the abstract mask and blended to Hard Light. The photo was duplicated and blended to Overlay. Underneath I placed the artsy fotoblendz, coloring to yellow and using the Blend Ifs on it.

Underneath these layers the art stroke, a transfer, the play park brush and artsy stains were added. Over the photo and to the left a bask brush was added in yellow. Over the play park stamp is the retro glow blended to Overlay.

I added the title and pasted in the journaling with the dimensional elements added to the page. The finished it.
This is a memory that is such fun to see again--I always loved those shoes. We wore uniforms every day and the only fun thing was our choice of shoes--I was always on the lookout for something unique. Even though these were pretty much standard issue--I loved the look, definitely with the "bobby sox". They would still be cool now!!
What a fabulous topic for "I remember"!! I love the black and white photo embellished with the challenge colors, and the artsy-ness of the page. Yes, I wore black and white saddles, and was required to keep them clean and polished, and buffed. I even had a Poodle skirt and sweater to go with them - 3rd grade. Hummm, I hadn't thought of getting a pair now. Might be fun to wear again. :)
Wonderful memory from the past, and I love that it's shared by so many. It was never my choice what shoes I wore, but my mother wouldn't let me wear them, so of course I envied those that did.
Ah yes, a great memory, wonderfully portrayed in the challenge colors. Saddle shoes were part of our uniform at catholic school. I don't remember hardly ever giving them a thought, it was what you wore. I do remember buying them for my daughter, and in particular, a pink pair that were adorable (I should look for a pic, they would meet the challenge) :)
Great memory and journaling! I have a memory of the saddle shoes I wore (loved them ... they were better than the Buster Brown shoes). Might have to spin off your memory for my challenge page.
Fun peek into the past! Saddle shoes were not big in New York City at the time I was growing up, but I always loved the look. I saw some in a shop several weeks ago and you're right about them not being cheap. That fashion pendulum loves to swing....

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Anna Aspnes
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Barbara Houston
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