


Snapshots of the Heart Collaboration by Jennifer Labre Designs and Kim Broedelet

Fuss Free: Key to my Heart templateby Fiddle Dee Dee Designs

The journaling says:
You were real. You were created. You were alive. And you were 100% human and 100% mine. The loss is real. The grief is real. In a world where life is cheap and the life of unborn babies perhaps the least valued of all, I will declare that you were real, my precious little one. I did not expect you, didnt even know I wanted you. Yet, there you were, growing inside of me. I saw the place where your tiny heart was forming. But something was wrong., and callously the doctor told me that my pregnancy might not be viable, that I might be losing you. I wept. Even though I didnt expect you, I wanted you and loved you with all my heart. It was agony losing you. It was devastating. The sadness felt overwhelming. I mourned the loss of your life and the loss of our baby. I mourned for the hugs and kisses I would never get to shower you with, for the dreams I had in my heart for you. You were real. You are real, and being held in the arms of a loving God. I am thankful that you were knit together in my womb by the creator. For whatever reason, you did not grow and thrive like your brothers and sisters. I may never know why. But I do know that I loved you and that I grieve your loss. The pain is still raw and real all these months later. I miss youjournaled February 7, 2012

Thanks for looking! :)
a beautiful reflection on a terrible grief.{{{hugs}}} to you. may God keep both of you in his hands. in my faith tradition we sing of this kind of loss by praying for "eternal memory." you're right. the baby was real and you solidify that life with your "eternal memory" of the little one you lost. and now that memory is "on paper" for the ages, as well.
You suffered a terrible loss of a very real baby who as you say is now held in the hands of God - safe and loved.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and baby!!
*HUGSSSS* Thank you for sharing this page with us. We lost our unborn baby girl too 2 years ago. Such a terrible loss I hope nobody else would ever have to suffer. My heart goes out to you, and my prayers are with you.

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