
Baby Mohee


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Ali Edwards Design Hello New Year 09 Inspiration Challenge Template_1409

Reflecting on my life, I wouldnt change a thing. Heavenly Father has blessed me with so much. You are one of those blessings. Your Daddy and I had been trying to get pregnant and finally we were after 8 months of trying. But then after only eight weeks of being pregnant, I had a miscarriage. But it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. With that pregnancy I would have given birth in August. Right when your Daddy would be having his second surgery for his Ulcerative Colitis. We didnt know he would be having the surgery at the time. We actually didnt decide to do the surgery until the end of June 2005. His first surgery would be only a week later. So we tried again and only two short months later I was pregnant with YOU! We were so excited. We found out I was pregnant in March and that I would be having a December baby. I couldnt wait for all of the FIRSTS My first ultrasound, hearing your heart beat for the first time. The first time I felt your little movements, your first kick. The first time Daddy got to feel you move. Getting my little baby tummy. My first baby shower. Finding out if you were a boy or a girl. And the list goes on. I wasnt expecting that the first time I would be sleeping in a hospital would be because of your Daddy having surgery. Your Daddy was on Leukemia chemo therapy and wasnt doing so well. We talked with his Doctor, about his options and surgery was one of them. We talked and prayed about it and it was the right thing to do. So your Daddy went into his first surgery in July and only six short weeks later had his second surgery. During this time I was four and five months pregnant with you. I was so blessed to have such a great pregnancy. If you didnt move and kick me, I wouldnt have even known I was pregnant. Beside the fact that my tummy was getting a little bigger. Everything went so smoothly, which was so nice because I was going through the hardest trial of my life at the time. Taking care of your sick Daddy, who I thought on many occasions I was going to lose after his surgeries. The Lord has blessed me, your Daddy and you. I am so thankful that we listened to the spirit and that your Daddy had those surgeries done while I was pregnant with you. Reflecting back it was such a hard trial, but an even bigger blessing. I am so thankful for the church. Our ward in Farmington, UT was a huge blessing during this trial of ours. Our whole ward Fasted and Prayed for Steve to recover and I know that because of everyones faith and prayers in our ward and our families Steve was able to recover and is in the best health he has ever been in. It will take years for his body to recover from these major surgeries. But now he is healed. August 5, 2006 at Temple Square, SLC UT
WOW. This is going in the Standing O's! I love the picture here, the journaling...the blended photo on the right! Just a fabulous page!!

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