

Process Notes - Making a

  • Media owner hoodsmom
  • Date added
I made the big snowflake in my LO "Fire and Ice" https://ozone.oscraps.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=383471 using this technique. It doesn't really produce a kaleidoscopic collage, but it's a good way of getting repeating images rotated around a center. If you have the full version of Photoshop and understand smart objects, you can change the position of your photo in one layer and have it update in all the other layers. If you don't/can't use smart objects, you could clip your photo to your shape before duplicating and transforming (i.e., clip photo to shape before step 3 in my instructions), but you will need to be sure that you are happy with your photo placement before proceeding with duplication and transforming. If you google "photoshop transform again," you can find other examples of how the "transform again" command can be used. Creating an action to do the duplication and transform again is a very good idea, especially if you plan on making a gazillion petals.

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