


  • NewAdmin
ok... so i just finally pulled myself out of the bed today (for only the 2nd time since Sat. night) with a stomach flu. i've been up since 10am and it's now 5pm and i'm *just now* starting to come out of this weird fog i've been in all day. and now of course, hubby has it. but alyssa is better and gage has stayed clear of it... it was just kinda tough going from 0 to 60 today so Will could go to bed. whew... it's been a rough one. ... anyway... i'm DETERMINED to finish this book tonight! i thought i only had like 2 pages left to do, but i actally have 5 (have to have a minimum of 20 for a shutterfly book). so... i'm working on nothing else until it's done. lol.

VICKI STEGALL: Rock On kit (3 papers blended in with the picture... nothing new, right? hehe)
FONTS: Crash; Letrograda
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This is great!! I love it!! All that fun blending!! I love that photo!! Great title too!! Simply perfect like always!! Love it.
This is great!! I love it!! All that fun blending!! I love that photo!! Great title too!! Simply perfect like always!! Love it.

Hope you feel better!! Nothing is worse than the flu!!
GORGEOUS! Love this, love the effects, love it all!!! Good luck with getting the book done AND I hope you feel better soon!!
I agree with Krista!!!! and I have three shutterfly books going!! LOL!!!! so sorry you are joining the sickies club!!!!

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Vicki Stegall Designs
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