

Potty Training

  • Media owner liljatr
  • Date added
The story of my younger daughter's potty training back in January.
The journaling is about how I thought she would never quit her diaper, and eventually I figured out that she already knew when she had to go - she was just too lazy to go to the bathroom LOL I made a chart for her, giving her a sticker every time she would successfully go to the bathroom. Within a week she never needed the diaper at home, within two weeks she didn't need it at Kindergarten and within three weeks she slept through the night without the diaper. I thought it went really well :)

Everything I used is available at The Scrap Orchard...
Kit: The "Ettes" 6 Company - Chore Chart
Template a blog freebie by Sine
Dotted border by Tracey Howard from her Fall Forest collab with Heather Roselli
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