


  • Media owner Agata
  • Date added
Symbols… anything can be a symbol, from red and green lights
to daffodils breaking through the ground in spring.
It only depends on one’s perspective to see them
with all their meanings. I try to find them everywhere
and in everything.However, it is not easy, especially lately,
with all the insanity going on in the world near and far.
In times like these, we tend to focus on sad, scary,
one-dimensional things stripped of joy, wonder, color,
and goodness.
But that is not true! Or rather, it is not the whole truth.
The truth is that there is good and evil in the world
(and in each of us), and like in the story of two wolves,
the side we feed is the one that wins. So, I refuse
to nurture fear, sadness, and hate within me! This does not mean
I do not acknowledge that there are things to be scared,
sad, or angry about. It means I choose not to dwell
on those things.
I am choosing to see the magic in the world,
goodness in people, and everyday miracles all around.
I do not want to see only a message of danger, anger,
or forbiddance represented by the color red. I also want
to find in it the symbols of passion, love, and the warmth
of a fire on a cold night. I want to uncover a whole story
of perseverance and new beginnings in all signs of the coming spring.
I am the only one who can decide through what lenses
I choose to view reality.
No one else can force me to wear glasses I do not want!
Credits list
Mixed Media by Erin - Caim
Designer(s) Used:
  1. mixed media by Erin >>
Photo(s) Credit (REQUIRED field beginning Feb 1, 2025)
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Challenge 1
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File size
201.6 KB
Date taken
Fri, 21 February 2025 10:37 AM
800px x 800px

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