Done for the February Week 2 Art Journal Challenge found here:
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer Romans 12:12
My youngest has always been “different” than his brother and sisters. In some ways that is good and in some ways not so good. When he was forced to leave home because of the poor choices he was making, unfortunately, he also left church attendance behind. These poor decisions took him down a hard road. But I prayed. He got married, had a baby, made more poor decisions and ended up in a divorce. And I kept praying because now a child was being affected by his poor decisions. I rarely ever saw him. But when I did, I always brought up that he needed to get back in church. “Mom, I know all of that,” he would say, and gave me “the hand” of don’t say another word! His oldest sibling said to me, “Mom, you need to turn him over to the Lord! You didn’t raise him any differently than the rest of us and he knows right from wrong. But he is the one who will have to make the decision to change!” So, as hard as that was, I turned him over to the Lord. And I kept praying and waiting. People say that prayer changes things. But, really, I think prayer changes you and me. God’s plans for our lives don’t change. He changes us to mold and make us into the people He wants us to be. I’m so happy to say that God worked on our son and brought him back into His way! Thank You, Lord!