
Panic House

Panic House

Known as the Most Haunted House in America,the home of carpetbagger Charles Congelier,his wife Lyda,and a young servant girl,Essie,was located near Pittsburgh.The story begins in the winter of 1871,with Lyda's discovery of Charles having an affair with the maid.Lyda was so enraged,that she fatally stabbed Charles and chopped off Essie's head.The house was remodeled to accommodate railroad workers in 1892,but they soon moved out, claiming to hear the sobbing and screaming of a woman.The house stood again vacant.Around 1900,Dr.Brunrichter bought the home.He was rarely seen by his neighbors.Then in 1901,the neighbors saw a red explosion shooting through the house.The earth under them trembled, and the sidewalls cracked.Every window in the doctor's home was shattered."When officials entered the house to investigate,they found a decomposed female body strapped to the bed and five headless young women in basement graves,etc./Mixture of two kits:Incredible night +Halloween Surprises
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