


my journaling reads:
Your accident scared the living daylights out of me and although you tried to hide it, I know you were frightened too. The first 24hrs were terrifying, but at that stage, we didnt realise just how serious your injuries were. It was only when you underwent an MRI scan, that the extent of the damage became clear. Within hours of the scan, you were whisked into surgery to remove the crushed vertebrae and to relieve the building pressure on your spinal cord. As if this werent painful enough, a few days later you then underwent a second operation, during which a medieval looking halo frame was fitted. It truly was a brutal looking piece of equipment, secured to your skull with screws through your skin, its purpose to restrict any kind of head movement and hopefully allow your injuries to heal. And thankfully, you did heal.

Thanks for looking!

Everything used - Joyce Paul Designs, {i}NSD GrabBag no. 2 2011 - Summer Fling
(available at Mscraps)
OMGoodness, my heart was in my mouth just reading this - and I've heard this story before. This must have been quite the most scary thing to have to live through. When my mum was in traction with screws through her legs, my 13 yr old self cried most at this medieval contraption (never mind the crushed skull and coma!).

Can't believe you took a photo!
Sue, what a moving and beautiful layout! Love your journaling and glad to hear that it had a happy ending. What a terrible and painful time this must have been for the both of you.
Oh my!!!! I know I have read about this before, but really it makes my heart skip a beat...so scary!!!!!! You did an amazing job capturing the ordeal in this page!!!! and YES thank goodness he healed!!!!!

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