

Our Story

  • Media owner KimPay
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This page will either become the cover of the house build album project or perhaps the final page of the book. Used NEW ArtPlay Collection Related. Also Heart Notions No1 which will be available free with a $20 purchase at Anna Aspnes' shop during Oscrap's Spring Sale March 6-10, 2025

my process: Built the background by clipping 3 different Artsy Kardz to 3 different FotoBlendz. Adjusted placment of Kardz layers and the placement of each Fotoblendz then added a paper to background. Added an Artsy Transfer below the Kardz and masked away portions of layers not wanted. Duplicate Sprinklez clusters to create a larger cluster and again masked away elements not wanted. Created a title with wooden word, part of a text wordart and 'home sweet home' label. Finished with a house and string element and added a distressed heart element. No photo but might add one upon completion of the build.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Photo(s) Credit (REQUIRED field beginning Feb 1, 2025)
No photos used in this layout.
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Reactions: bcazzell
Wowza, this is amazing and whatever you decide to use it for it will be perfect. Actually, it's so pretty, I think it could be used both places, maybe one with a photo + one without. I've added this and the "recipe" to my bookmarks.
Wowza, this is amazing and whatever you decide to use it for it will be perfect. Actually, it's so pretty, I think it could be used both places, maybe one with a photo + one without. I've added this and the "recipe" to my bookmarks.
Thank you very much for your kind words. I'd love to see what you create with the 'recipe'.

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Anna Aspnes
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129.3 KB
800px x 800px

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