

Our Marine

I'm not ready to write about our Marine yet, but I'm so glad I took copies of this photo to my brother's funeral Friday as neither his children nor step-children had it. Since the service and burial were conducted by the VFW, it was good to have this put into his photo show. As it's Memorial Day, felt the need to put something together.
Credits list
Syngnathidae | The Complete Mixed Media Collection by Rachel Jefferies https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Syngna...xed-media-collection-by-Rachel-Jefferies.html
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Rachel Jefferies
Oh, Jean..... I am so sorry to hear about your brother's passing. The page is a truly lovely tribute.
The photo is perfect for the holiday, how young they were.
Jean, I am sorry! I know there really are no words of comfort. I never would have thought to use this collection for a male military LO, but it works so well. Your love shines right through!
Jean I too am so sorry to hear of your Brother's passing! What a gorgeous tribute page you made to honour his memory!! Susan beat me to the punch, I was so ready to give you a standing O!! Congrats!!
SO sorry for your loss, but what a wonderful memorial page. They were The Greatest Generation! My uncle served in WWII and just passed away a few years ago.
I'm so sorry for your loss; I am also awestruck at how beautiful your layout is. What a special tribute. Congrats on your Standing O!

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Rachel Jefferies
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150.8 KB
600px x 600px

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