

Oscraps Day 7 Jun 19: Bday Quote - ATC

  • Media owner MariJ
  • Date added
I used the Picasso quote, "It takes a long time to become young." I had fun putting this together, blending together a few of the pretty papers in Joyful Heart Designs CC 73 - Bundle, it's so pretty and is what made this ATC. I like the arched ATC too but was not able to download McGroot Art Journal freebie. It gave me a receipt but there's nothing to click to download!
For this ATC I used:
JHD CC 74 Bundle
MdGroot_EYCC_Arch ATC
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Joyful Heart Designs
  2. Maya de Groot
This is beautiful and I'm sorry you had trouble with the download of the free template. I need to check that out. Here's how I post my ATC's. Save to web: make your longest side 600 and I think the shortest side will automatically be about 475. That will pop it in there at the recommended size for the gallery, with is 600x600. If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask.
Congratulations! Your layout will be featured in tonight's Monday Oscraps newsletter :heartpumpred:
Oh! Thank you so very much, I appreciate that and am very excited! I love your papers and the entire bundle I bought, it's really beautiful and what made it possible for me to create that ATC.
PS I just saw it in the NL, I love how it looks and thank you for your creations which allowed me to make mine. :beatingheart:
Last edited:
Oh! Thank you so very much, I appreciate that and am very excited! I love your papers and the entire bundle I bought, it's really beautiful and what made it possible for me to create that ATC.
PS I just saw it in the NL, I love how it looks and thank you for your creations which allowed me to make mine. :beatingheart:
You are SO sweet....thank you!! :heartpumplove: Your ATC is made of AWESOME...do you mind if I add it to my product previews?
Marilyn, this is GORGEOUS!!! I love the shape of it. The softness of the colors lend to the vintage vibe of the card. It's so whimsical with everything you blended in. You've illustrated your wonderful quote so perfectly. You really outdid yourself with this one! I am in awe!:heartpumppink:

Layout information

2024 - 18th Birthday Party
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Image metadata

Oscraps Day 7 Jun 19 Bday Quote ATC JP.jpg
File size
1.1 MB
Date taken
Fri, 21 June 2024 11:18 AM
1939px x 2935px

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