


Created for the Scrapzilla Contest at PolkaDotPlum.com. Challenge was to create a scrapbook page featuring a typographical design. This is entirely handdrawn with "O" shaped brushes created from more than twenty-one individual fonts.

Journaling reads: Ophelia came into our lives when the last thing we needed was another cat. I agreed to take her in as a favor to a friend-of-a-friend that has done many, many favors for us. It was supposed to be temporary, until we found her the right home. At first meeting, it didnt seem as though she and I were going to get along-we clearly didnt see eye to eye. I put her in the guest bedroom and silently hoped her good looks would sway some unsuspecting imbecile into adopting her-her temper was so foul, I refused even to contemplate keeping her ourselves. But over several weeks, with little interest from potential adopters, I spent more and more time getting to know Ophelia. It quickly became apparent she had not been treated well in her former home and expected more of the same from us. As she began to trust us, an unstoppable spirit began to emerge. This little cat, once so ferocious and angry became equal parts bossy and affectionate and unforgettable. It was as if she had suddenly been unleashed. Today, just one year later, my chest aches at the thought of being parted from her-I simply cannot fathom my life without this cute, fluffy character at my side. She truly is a cat like no other. She is, simply put, a piece of my heart.

Fun Facts:
1. There are 23 different forms of the letter "O" on this page.
2. Altogether, the portrait was compiled in 47-layers, using 11 layer masks.
3. I changed brushes more than 60-times (lost count at 63).
4. It took seven hours start to finish, not including posting time.
5. Ophelia slept in front of my computer screen for 6.25 of the total 7 hours.

Here's a smaller pic to show the detail:

Products Used:
Background Papers: "Altered Ego" by Paislee Press
Frames: "Innovation" by Sahlin Studio
Sequins: "Around the World" by Sahlin Studio & Brittish Designs

Fonts: Susie's Hand--journaling, Unnamed Melody--title. Comprising the image: Avocado, A Cut Above, An Unfortunate Event, Aqueduct Warp, Artistamp Medium, Bell Gothic MT, Broadway, Circus, Cratch, Elephant, Enchanted Prairie Dog, Felix Titling, Impact Label, Imprinted, Johnny Quest, Lauren Script, Love Ya Like a Sister, Miama, Old News, Orator.
OMG this is amazing!! I'm literally sitting here trying to write a comment & keep having to scroll back up as I adore what you did here! Just WOW!

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