

On this day

  • Media owner zwyck
  • Date added
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ArtPlay Palette Lateritious Collection

ArtPlay Palette Lateritious
ArtsyTransfers Lateritious
FotoBlendz Overlays No 12
Adventure WordART Mix No 2

UrbanThreadz No 23

Process: I started with a solid paper from ArtPlay Palette Lateritious. I clipped the photo to a fotoblendz from FotoBlendz Overlays No 12 and the blending mode was set Color Burn. Then i placed another solid paper above with the blending mode set to Darken. A transfer from ArtsyTransfers Lateritious was added to the left part of the sky and another one to the right. A transfer with mountains from ArtPlay Palette Lateritious got the blending mode Color Burn and was placed to the left. Another fotoblendz was placed in the middle with the blending mode Soft Light to darken the part in the middle. I recolored some brushes and placed these in the bottom and in the top right corner. I added some embellishments from ArtPlay Palette Lateritious. The wood word, wordart and wordtransfer were added from Adventure WordART Mix No 2 and the thread comes from UrbanThreadz No 23.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Love the treatment on the photo. Beautiful colors! Live by the Sun is the perfect word art for this.
Gorgeous blending of the store front with the background paper. Agree with Laura, the intensity of color draws one in!
Love that the most distinctive part of this page is the Cola sign. It draws you right into the rest of the scene. Fabulous colors!
Yes, I agree with @Adryane that the Cola sign makes me feel connected to this time and place. Do the hot colors mean you're also getting more summer than spring right now like we are? :D
Yes, I agree with @Adryane that the Cola sign makes me feel connected to this time and place. Do the hot colors mean you're also getting more summer than spring right now like we are? :D
The photo is from Las Vegas when my son was there a couple of years ago.I know you have high temperatures all over the US but in Sweden it is colder than normal. So this layout may exemplify the temp you have right now. He visited your country in November so it was much cooler than today.

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Anna Aspnes
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File size
131.3 KB
600px x 600px

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