


What could be warmer, more mystical than a mothers love? I remember my mother. She was always so busy with four children, she barely had a moment to herself and yet she tried to find time for us. She hadnt been raised in a family that was very demonstrative, though they were loving and as a result, she wasnt overly affectionate herself until we were much older. She had been raised in an upper, middle-class family, a little spoiled and then she fell in love with my father, who had been pretty close to what you would term, dirt poor. There never seemed to be a lot of money in our house, though we were far from poor, but my mom gave everything to us. She never complained about her lack of possessions, even though she wore the same jean shorts, till I wanted to hide them and force her to go buy something new to wear around the house, yet we always had nice clothes. I remember one day close to Christmas and Dad took her out to buy a new outfit, something really fancy. We were all so excited for her to get something new, that I recall all of us sitting on the long sofa, staring out the window, so anxious for them to get home and show us what she had purchased! Each evening our shoes were polished, neatly placed on the counter for school for school, our hair was curled (of course, not my brothers! LOL!), and our clothes were neatly pressed. I remember her letting us get on the kitchen sink and play grocery store, even though she was a meticulous housekeeper. Even at that young age, a lot of things she let allowed us to domake messes, that is.amazed me. Once, she drew us some paper dolls. We thought they were ohhhh sooooo glamerous with their fancy bee-hive hairdos! All the kids in our neighborhood were sooooooo jealous of our little pencil-drawn paper dollswell, they did have nice long legs and rather largererrrboombalommbas!!! LOL! I remember her playing jacks with us on the kitchen floor and so many little things that all spell love for a woman who spent her days working, working, working. She loved us and she loved my father. They never fought, so we never had to endure that type of confusion. I had a wonderful childhood. Few could have been so blessed. I never felt unloved because by my mothers lack of effusiveness. She just wasnt as open with her love and playfulness as Dad, who was very affectionate and teased us all the time. Somehow, we all knew we were loved instinctively because of the many ways she sacrificed for us and all without so much as the utterance of complaint. Everyone shows their love in a different way. It has nothing to do with how much one adores anothermerely how easily they can express it. Recently she told us that once, when we went to the beach, she was playing with us in the waves, and we said, Oh, mom! You DO know how to play! Hearing her tell us that, made me feel so sad inside. Mom always has said she wished she could show how she felt more easily. I always felt her love. Thats the important thing and so this soft, tender picture with mother and child, floating on a bed of flowers, is dedicated to my mom. I love you, Mom.
Everything for this lo was created with the new kit designed by:
TotallyWild Dezinez @ Deviant Scrap, Pixi Wingz
Also used:
TotallyWild Dezinez @ Deviant Scrap, Butterfly Clusters
and tons of brushes
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