

New AnnaChallenge~Template

  • Media owner casbury
  • Date added
Please join us in our New AnnaChallenge:
Use a Template October 15-28

Weve scared up an AnnaChallenge with a frighteningly easy rule...use an Anna template. Anna's templates are so versatile and loaded with special elements that can be used as is or switched up to fit your page perfectly. Rotate, move, resize or use any parts of the template you wish for your own custom look.

A Halloween page is just an option. Anna will be offering a fun selection of Halloween goodies during this weeks mid-week sale as well as a variety of templates.

You can also use any other products, too, just as long as your page contains an Anna template. Anna's products mix well with other designs, so it's ok to use other designer's products.

Upload your page to the Anna gallery by Sunday, October 28.
Remember to include AnnaChallenge in the title so we dont miss it, and post it in the forum so we can all admire your work.

One lucky participant will be randomly selected to win a $5 GiftKard to Annas shop. The winner will be posted on Monday, October 29.

For further details, see the new AnnaChallenge posted in the forum today https://ozone.oscraps.com/forum/showthread.php?t=24341

Anna Aspnes Designs:
For this page I used one of my favorite templates.
I love the big gold leaf thats included with the template elements.
ArtsyLayered Template No.39 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=28979;cat=383;page=20
ArtPlay Palette Wicked http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=28586;cat=383;page=24
ArtPlay Palette WickedSolids http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=28588;cat=383;page=24
WickedFrames No.1 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=28585;cat=383;page=24
Freaks n Ghouls No.1 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=28291;cat=383;page=31
ScriptTease Halloween No.2 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=28582;cat=383;page=24
Bling-It-On FotoTurns Silver http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=27082;cat=383;page=74
MonoBlendz Calapso Paperie http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=28426;cat=383;page=27
Stitched By Anna Borders Purple http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=27786;cat=383;page=51

All of the above products will be on sale during this weeks Mid Week Sale (starting Wednesday)

Also used:
WarmGlows No.3 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=30855;cat=383;page=6 and No. 4 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/product.php?productid=31624&page=1
Another winnerthe challenge and the announcement page (think you could make a cool book filled with your AnnaChallenge ART)! Thanks Chrisoff to check out Anna's templates!
WOW WOW WOW This is spectacular! Love this, especially the shot of vivid colour through the middle.

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Anna Aspnes
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