

My Sign

My layout was created for the ‘These Moments Matter’ Month of Challenges by Pixels, Paper and Paint - Life in Pictures by Lynn Grieveson and Rachel Jefferies.

Prompt Challenge #5 - The Overlooked Details

To anyone else , seeing this Cooper’s Hawk sitting on their car in the middle of a parking lot with no trees around, would just say this was just plain weird.
To me, this is much more meaningful.
My mother was an avid birdwatcher and past president (as well as the past editor of the Sandpiper newsletter) for the GSBAS. This is the local Audubon chapter on Long Island, NY) Mom did this for many years while I was growing up.
Back in 1990 I was living in an apartment in a house in NB, and the owner of the house was a “Falconer”.
The day my Mom passed away on Jan. 25, 1990, my Landlord’s Falcon took off, never to return.
After Mom’s funeral, Dad and I were going through the cards etc., that we received from the funeral parlor. At the bottom of the white bag they gave us, in the fold, underneath all those cards, was a Falcon feather.
From then one, the Falcon or the Cooper’s Hawk (as it is looks similar) has been my “sign” from Mom.
Fast forward... to Sept. 2011... I had just turned 50, and continuing my month long (ha ha I really should say year long) celebration, we went out to breakfast to a place called “The Jewish Mother”.
After breakfast we were getting ready to leave and got to the door to open it, and I stopped short! There sitting on the passenger side (my side) of the car is a Cooper’s Hawk just perched there.
It looked around and was there for over 10 minutes before it flew away!
CJ and I just looked at each other and said YUP! That was Mom visiting and saying Happy Birthday! We were at the Jewish Mother restaurant!

A Cooper’s Hawk now always visits in my yard anytime something is happening that I need her for!
Credits list
Rachel Jefferies All of This - Complete Mixed Media Collection https://www.oscraps.com/shop/all-of-this-Digital-Scrapbooking-Collection-Grab-Bag-Offer.html
fonts: The Dry Ribbon (by HJoyce) and Montreal Diamond Regular (for title)
(Photos: Personal)
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Rachel Jefferies
I can't tell you how much I love this page. Visually, it's perfect. And the story made me cry. Beautifully created!

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Rachel Jefferies
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