
Mom Speak

Mom Speak

JOURNALING | Most days it feels as though Ive told you a million times to do the exact same things over and over again. I start to feel like a broken record, reminding you that clothes go in the hamper! No really! They do! Because heres the thing: despite how things may look around here, Im not your maid. That may come as a shock! When I ask you to do something this isnt up for debate. Ive got a few years on you, the only reason you should need to hear is because I said so end of discussion. Contrary to popular belief Im not here to make your life miserable. When I tell you to wash your hands or to brush your teeth its not because I get some sort of sick thrill out of making you do things. Just trust me, its for your own good. And while were on the subject, why does bath time have to be a huge struggle every time? A little soap & water never killed anybody. I promise you, not a single person! No one wants to be the dirty kid at school, youll thank me one day. How do I know this? Because Im the mom. I know everything.

MATERIALS | Mom Speak Word Snips (available 6/9), Mom Speak papers (available 6/9), Vagabond Vagabond, FlashbackFlashback, All Scratched UpAll Scratched Up Borders & Delightful Delightful Alpha, all by One Little Bird. Doodled tag is from Graphies by CD Muckosky.

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