


  • Media owner AK_Tracy
  • Date added
This was hard but fun. I know they're little, but all the flowers are there :)
I used Cherish The Ocean all in one for this fun layout. I loved how all the elements played well with my cruise ship photos.
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Laitha
Photo(s) Credit (REQUIRED field beginning Feb 1, 2025)
All photos are mine.
I find the border challenge a bit difficult too, but you did a great job, Tracy. Awesome photos and I love the blue ocean theme. ♥
Thank you Betty Jo. Its honestly the flowers for me. I'm so not a flower person. I like them in real life but I just struggle to scrap with them. Mostly I dont have a lot of flowers in my life so its even harder to scrap. Thankfully I can make them little and blend them in to the water theme. :)
Thank you Betty Jo. Its honestly the flowers for me. I'm so not a flower person. I like them in real life but I just struggle to scrap with them. Mostly I dont have a lot of flowers in my life so its even harder to scrap. Thankfully I can make them little and blend them in to the water theme. :)
I hear you, Tracy. I'm not a huge fan of flowers either, but do try to use them. Exceptions for me are artsy type flowers and foliage like in AJ kits. Those I like.
I smiled when I saw your border and then laughed outloud when I read your words above, you did a perfect job with them and I don't even mind! ;):giggle4: Your photos are beautiful, you two always look so good together and your background is perfect fot an ocean theme.
I smiled when I saw your border and then laughed outloud when I read your words above, you did a perfect job with them and I don't even mind! ;):giggle4: Your photos are beautiful, you two always look so good together and your background is perfect fot an ocean theme.
Thank you Marilyn. So glad you laughed. :giggle4: I'm so thankful he's willing to take so man photos, cant say they're all "normal" but its fun and we laugh every time. I think I get one smile and about three crazy faces Its always fun.

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Challenge 3
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75.7 KB
600px x 600px

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