Created for the 12 Days of December
Day 4 Same Photo Challenge
The snowman that is part of the photo is an overlay from Palvinka Designs with a blend mode of Darker Color. The photo has been clipped to a wood paper with a blend mode of Darker Color. An inner bevel was added to the wood paper.
A white Outer Glow was added to the word art.
The background consists of four layers. The bottom layer is a blue paper from After Midnight Designs. The layer above that is a blue grey painty paper with a blend mode of Multiply and the Underlying Layer slider in Photoshop was used to determine how much of the paper showed. The top two layers are the same creme paper with text. The bottom of the two papers has a blend mode of Darker Color. The top paper was moved half way down the page and a Darken blend mode was used.