

Literal Reset

Created for this month's AJ challenge here.

The journaling reads:
Reset has a lot of different meanings, and one of those is a literal one. After a surgeon reset the bones in my left foot, my life - and that of those around me - underwent a massive reset too. Shopping, cooking, cleaning, walking the dog and a myriad other things needed to be redistributed between my husband and my son, and once hubby left for a business trip, my son had to bear the brunt of it.

Adjusting to a life on crutches is not easy - and physically demanding. And everything takes so much longer...
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Lynn Grieveson
Photo(s) Credit (will be REQUIRED field beginning Feb 1, 2025)
The photo is mine
Get well soon, Olga! I hope you'll be able to run around the house and do the chores again in the not too distant future. Look forward to walking the dog. Great layout for your story!

Layout information

Oscraps Cheery O's
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Additional categories
Art Journal, Lynn Grieveson,

Image metadata

2025-01 layout 9 reset.jpg
File size
180.7 KB
Date taken
Thu, 30 January 2025 6:20 PM
800px x 800px

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