
Life is a Puzzle

Life is a Puzzle

Gypsy Painter by ViVa Artistry
PanosFX B&Big Picture Action
Floating LO Tutorial by Taylormade
Beaded Ribbon by ON Designs
Foam Stamp Alpha by Pamela Donnis

Font is CK To Do List: Why are things in life a constant puzzle? I mean, events happen that are out of our control. Sometimes we like the consequences, sometimes not. Anyone whos been around for a while has learned how to let the pieces fall where they may and observe how things come together. Like it or lump it, thats the way things are. Nature is a good example of our constant struggle. Usually we dont like rain; its messy, sometimes ruins plans, makes us extra grouchy - but the earth needs it to sustain life; plants depend on it, farmers need it; beautiful pictures like this would not be possible without rain! Hopefully we learn to accept the unpleasant events and look for the positives. Lord knows I strive to do that on a daily basis!
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