
Life in Full Bloom

Life in Full Bloom

A page about me and my fiance, we have lived long distance for 5 years now, it has been hard but the end is near!!!

All elements and papers: Paislee-Press "Sociology"
template: Vinnie Pearce "give me simple template pack 3"
This is really beautiful and I love your journaling !!!
I love this font... what is the name ?
Nice to find one of your LO in the gallery ! This one is so beautiful!
I find it so romantic! Happy to know you will be closer soon!
Oh this is beautiful and I can totally relate... My fiancee and I have been apart almost 2 years and it's so difficult. Your journaling truly spoke volumes and is wonderful!

I love your photos and composition... so sweet and I'm so happy that you will be together very soon!
OMgosh Alyssa this is gorgeous! Love the photo treatment and the little cut-out circular section and your journaling is so touching!!!
What a great page. All is perfect : photo, composition and I really appreciate your journaling. Love is all in life !

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