

Letters from the Earth - Anna Lift

  • Media owner hoodsmom
  • Date added
Process notes for the big image: https://oscraps.com/community/threads/affinity-scrapper-anyone.34399/post-735868

Credits: Maya de Groot The Writer; AASPN Typewriters 1, Postage Frames 1, Evanescent Fotoblendz, APMPs Oppidan, Bookish
Font: Black Arcade (PU)

Text is from Mark Twain's Letters from the Earth in which he imagines Lucifer reporting to Heaven on earthly goings-on:
This is a strange place, an extraordinary place, and interesting. There is nothing resembling it at home. The people are all insane, the other animals are all insane, the earth is insane, Nature itself is insane. Man is a marvelous curiosity. When he is at his very very best he is a sort of low grade nickel-plated angel; at his worst he is unspeakable, unimaginable; and first and last and all the time he is a sarcasm. Yet he blandly and in all sincerity calls himself the "noblest work of God." This is the truth I am telling you. And this is not a new idea with him, he has talked it through all the ages, and believed it. Believed it, and found nobody among all his race to laugh at it.
Photo(s) Credit (will be REQUIRED field beginning Feb 1, 2025)
all photos are either taken by me or in the public domain. I generated the base image for the weeping Statue of Liberty using Google Gemini (which got frustrated with my constant attempts to correct it and started hallucinating cat pictures at me).
Love the quote by Mark Twain. He’s one of my favorite writers and poets. Fabulous layout and art work!
Wonderful, love this, the text is wonderful to, page design , texture love love love :heartpumpred:
I never read any of that poem but wow, it sums up how I feel lately. You captured that sentiment perfectly with your imagery (even as I chuckled about your issues with Gemini! LOL)
Love this, great quote and journaling. I didn't notice the weeping statue until I read your photo credits. I feel her pain.

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Anna Aspnes
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File size
180.3 KB
Date taken
Thu, 23 January 2025 5:16 PM
800px x 800px

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