


For this week'sHodge Podge Challenge on the letter K
I am a wife. I am a mom to two small boys. I love being a mom but miss being a nurse. My husband is my best friend. I love to travel and have a list a mile long of places I want to visit. visit. I worry about being a good mom. I love to read. I miss Texas. I have a blue belt in Taekwondo. I wish I were thinner. I love long baths and long naps. I would like to run a marathon one day. one d one day. I tend to live too much inside my own head. I would be lost without my camera. I dont believe in fate, but believe life is what you make it. I miss my sister. I love what I have made of my life. I am 36. I wouldnt want to be 26 again. I am far from perfect but I am happy to be me.
In The Moment by One Little Bird
All Scratched Up by One Little Bird
Little Honeybee by ONe Little Bird
Glass Alpha by Kristen Rice
Oh my gosh, Kelly. This is GORGEOUS. I love the flowers piled up along the side of your photo.
Lovely journaling; you dare!
I love the use of the frames around your yournal.

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