
Keep Palm ...

Keep Palm ...

Credits list
AnnaRelease 11 January 2019
Artplay Palette Coolth (paper, button, string, watercolor flower, transfers, label word)
Artsy Transfers Coolth
Coolth WordART Mix 1
Paper Textures 9

Artplay Palette Adventure (transfer)
Urban Threadz 11
FotoBlendz Overlays 15

Artsy paper 2 from APP Coolth was used as the foundation of the page. The image (the blue sky was adjusted using the hue/saturation adjustment tool to match the color of the background paper) was clipped to a fotoblendz mask. A variety of paint layers, splatters and stains from AT Coolth were added, along with the paint layer from AT Adventure and paper texture to add depth and dimension to the page. The page was completed by adding dimensional embellishments and word art.

Thank you for looking!
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Another windy day. so well depicted. love the blue hue and the feel of clouds blowing across the landscape.
Nice! Love the windy palms! My daughter's currently in Vero Beach for a short vacation and it's cold (but not as cold as NY) and rainy. Glad you were able to snowbird this year!
You captured the motion of the blowing trees perfectly with the paper, transfers and textures. Love the play on words too.
Yay! Definitely brings a smile and tells what's going on. Love the colors and watercolor effect.
a very poetic representation of a storm where everything is usually calm and voluptuous sun!
Love your title work! Amazing photos and all these layers look fantastic!

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
124 KB
600px x 600px

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