
Joanne Brisebois Spotlight - On the Buses
Bush Girl

Joanne Brisebois Spotlight - On the Buses

Here's my 4th entry for Joanne's wonderful, thought provoking Spotlight, this time for Challenge 2, Part 2 "Old School".

Having scrapped about my kids journey to school yesterday, I thought it only fitting to scrap about my own.

And in case the eye strain is too much, here's the story:

Em & I always travelled to school together. When she started at Godolphin Id already been there 2 yrs and knew the best routes, what time to leave and when not get on a particular bus (the 295 horribly smelly & crowded and not being a Routemaster meant you couldnt jump off going round Hammersmith Broadway highly dangerous but shortened the walking distance by a whole 50 yds!). Em & I were good friends throughout childhood so there was no question that I would go without her, unlike some of our friends with siblings. So for the next 4 yrs, we went together, mostly by bus (the 91 got us the closest to school but went a bonkers route, the 11 was the fastest and allowed for the crazy jumping off mid roundabout stunt) but occasionally by Tube, which we mostly hated.

In my final year of school I drove us both, parking easily and for free outside school (cant do that now!), all of which was unbelievably cool as I was one of the only girls to do so.

That summer Emilie suddenly panicked and said I couldnt possibly leave school because how on earth was she going to get to school.

Well, I said astonished on the bus, duh.
Yes, but which one? she asked in all innocence.
Come on, Em, surely you know the bus numbers by now. YOU ARE 16 YRS OLD AND YOUVE BEEN GOING TO THIS SCHOOL FOR 5 YRS, for goodness sake!
Yes, but I never paid any attention to the bus numbers, you always did that bit.

I felt gob smacked, horrified and ever so slightly smug all at the same time. Needless to say, she did manage to find her way to school for the next 2 yrs without me, but did just have to check which bus number took us to Daddys house, another journey wed been doing for years!


Papers: Joanne Brisebois, oscraps.com, Lost in Translation & Oscraps Collaborations, oscraps.com, Otono
Frame: Joanne Brisebois, oscraps.com, Olde School Frames
Overlay: Joanne Brisebois, Oscraps Collaborations, oscraps.com, Love Letters
Chipboard Edges: Cheryl Barber, scrapgirls.com, Chipboard Edges 4104 Distressed
Photo: Stock photo from FreeFoto.com
Photo Action: Coffee Shop, coffeeteaphotography.blogspot.com, Butterscotch Vintage
Font: Downcome, Trashed & Myriad Pro
I just love reading your stories ... you always use the right words, tone, "voice". Having gone to boarding school myself, I can hardly imagine what it must've been like getting public transport to school every morning ... eventful, by the sounds of it!
SELENA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I adore this....the whole story made me smile...I agree with Sue about your tone...I almost can hear you saying the words!!! Fabulous scrap, love the buses/photo. I relate to this too....except mine pertains to DH....we have driven to visit his oldest daughter (nearly 4 hour drive) for 10 years now....I ALWAYS do the driving, until the last couple of trips, I seem to get very sleepy....so we stop and he takes over...well as we get to their little town and get off the main highway, HE HAS NO IDEA WHERE TO GO!!! and like you I am like "COME ON NOW...10 YEARS!!!"

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Joanne Brisebois
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Bush Girl
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