
JMc Spotlight - Challenge 1

JMc Spotlight - Challenge 1

I love these challenges - having so much fun strolling down the memory lane!

Kit - Oink Cluck Moo by Kristin Aagard
Wordart - I'm talking 'bout Rockin' it Retro by Jodie McNally
Font - LD Vanilla

Translation of journaling:
(made quick and hasty, ignore language errors *s*)
Much has happened during these years, but in many ways I'm still the same person today as I was then. But you mature and learn more about life. The weird thing is that I was more sure about what I knew and wanted when I was 19 than I am today when I'm 42. Even though you've learned so much along the way you get more unsure of what you know and what you can do. Maybe you've just learned that no matter what you've decided, things don't always turn out like you want them to. Other things affect what's happening. Really don't know what's best - to still have the hope that everything will be like you want it to be or to live in the now and be happy and content with what you have and the life you've gotten. No matter what - I wouldn't want my life any different than what it has been.
I love your journaling (the translation is GREAT!) ... and man that photo from '82 is sooooo cool ... you haven't aged at all!!!
wow! you still look so much like you did! (i do like your glasses better now, though...LOL!) you are really rockin' these challenges! :) thanks so much!

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