

Inclusion is Love

  • Media owner JeanneMN
  • Date added
Journaling reads: We were extremely proud when you received the 8th Grade Panther PRIDE Model Award for Inclusion. You’ve always been so good about playing with everyone, including teammates, and helping others; well, other than your brother, of course, but that goes both ways. You didn’t know you were getting it, and we almost missed the program, but luckily your mom let us know the day before it was happening. Your dad has never forgiven me for not divorcing your mom when they got divorced. When they got married Grandpa and I stood in front of God and everyone else in church and promised to treat your mom as our daughter. That promise was very important to us. Just because two people get divorced does not mean everyone in the family gets divorced. We didn’t divorce Mamma and Farver and I wanted to set an example for you and your brother to show you that divorce doesn’t mean you still can’t be kind and get along. Your mom and I became very close friends, and the biggest thing we have in common is we love you and your brother to the moon and back and until chickens fly south for the winter. In November your dad decided I was no longer welcome at your other home, and I can’t see you and your brother. I am thankful to God for my daughter who helps so we don’t miss things, and we do get to see you. It’s hard for Grandpa and really hard for me, it hurts our hearts, but I know it’s harder for you because you hear lots of things about me that get twisted, but you also know me and you know my heart, and you know it is filled with love. At the program Grandpa and I felt so uplifted when your other grandparents included us with you in the grandparent’s picture. We may have different blood, different last names, but we all have the most important thing that’s the same, hearts filled with love for you and that’s why we were there. I wish your mom could have stayed for the picture, but she had patient’s depending on her, I’m just so glad she was able to be there to see you get the award.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  2. et designs
  3. mixed media by Erin >>
Photo(s) Credit (REQUIRED field beginning Feb 1, 2025)
Photos are mine
  • Care
Reactions: scrap-genie
Congratulations to your Grandson, what a special and meaningful award to receive, it shows what a good person he is and is becoming. Your photo is wonderful, your journaling made me sad for the heartache this is for you and those who love the boys, I'm sorry... Too bad the grownup can't be as inclusive as the younger kids... Sending thoughts and hugs... :beatingheart:
Thank you so much. We and they are so blessed they have such a good mom whose first priority in them the have a terrific stepdad.

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Challenge 6
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Member Galleries, Color Play, et designs, Oscraps Cheery O's,

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63.6 KB
396px x 396px

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