

In my dreams.jpg

Using one of Anna's new FotoInspired Templates.

I used Template No 9, moved the group of frames to the left of the page then the other masks I moved the remaining masks so they were sitting off centre at the top of the page. I clipped artsy paper to these and also to the black frame as it was too strong for the look I was trying to achieve. The rest is just the addition of MM Magic Sprinklez, lace and a flower. I also extended the lace from my Mum's bonnet outside the frame using net from one of Anna's earlier artplays which is now discontinued and moved the solid background De Facto paper off centre so that white paper would be revealed down the left hand side of the page.

If you ever need any more information about any of my pages, please DM me!
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Love the way you used the template. And Congrats on the SO! Well deserved. This looks so interesting to me, I might have to try it. And very touching journaling.
In My language I have a book with title: my mother getting closer.
Its written by a son about his mother who he lost ten years ago.
I haven't read it yet, but I find the title alone comforting.

Love your page and journaling,
And creative use of template
Simply beautiful and touching journaling. I have dreams that my mother could talk again. She was silent, lost for more than 10 years. Congrats on the Standing O!

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
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File size
636.7 KB
Date taken
Sun, 05 February 2023 3:30 PM
1000px x 1000px

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