
If Walls could Talk
Bush Girl

If Walls could Talk

I know, I know, I created another LO very similar to this recently, but hey, who says you can't lift yourself, right?!

Here's my entry for Digi Dare # 227 , to scrap our childhood bedroom. Unsurprisingly, I have no photos, but the overwhelming feature of my room was the posters on the walls, that changed over the years. My walls were stark white with yellow skirting boards, hence the colour scheme.


Papers: NinaScraps, oscraps.com, Hopes & Dreams and Circles.of.Life
Frames & Splatter: Val C. Designs & Lien Click Photo Designs, zigzagscrap.com, Home Sweet Home
Curled Photo Frames: HGD by Laurie Ann, afterfivedesigns.com, Curled Photo Frames
Arrows: Danielle Young, oscraps.com, Alley Oop
Ribbon: Oscraps Collaborations, oscraps.com, TrOpical Kit
Vase: NinaScraps, oscraps.com, Home
Flower: Creations by Tinamarie, EHStudios & CheYang Designs Collaboration, oscraps.com, Rushing Around
Staple: Val C. Designs, May Fantasy
Font: DJB Poppyseed & Smarty Pants by Darcy Baldwin and Rebekahs Party
Posters from the internet
EEKKKK seriously are you kidding me, this is a piece of art in it's own right - SO VERY COOL! and love that background word paper.
This is fabulously done Selena ... I'm right there with you on the whole Athena poster things too, though I think I had the burly hunk cradling the baby in his arms or the mechanic carrying the tyres ... oh & then of course there was my coca-cola can stage ... YES, I actually had empty Coke cans lined up as "art" on my ways ... ahhhh, them were the days!!!!!
Oh my goodness - this is so fun! Love the look into your room over the years - fabulous job on this Dare!! Thanks for playing along!
HEHE!!!! I need to do one like this...my Mom would probably appreciate if mine and my brother's walls didn't talk about some things!! HAHAHA!!!

oh how I love a white space page!
I especially like the overall design of the lil' frames with journaling, and the pop of yellow too!
thanks for participating in this week's DigiDare
deborah :)
this is definately a winner...just went to check the digidare and saw your link and just had to tell you wowie awesome..love the fonts you used, love the negative space...and just love how you interpreted the theme with all those frames

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