

How to Train Your Dragon

As this boy is getting ready to look at colleges for art, thought I'd go back and look at all the art projects we've done together. He once referred to me as the project manger, he was the artist!
Credits list
FotoInspired Template Pack 2Z (page 7)
Artplay Palette Bicycle (paper, transfer, star clip)
Artplay Palette Artsy (label word)
MultiMedia Suns 1
Magic Sprinklez 9
Artsy Stains 10

Page 7 of the FotoInspired Template Pack 2Z was opened up and resized smaller. An artsy paper from APP Bicycle was used as the foundation of the page. The images were clipped to the fotoblendz masks. The main photo was clipped to the circle frame mask, then duplicated with the image the layer above the circle frame. The image was extracted with a custom shadow added. The page was completed by adding cutout images from the internet, dimensional embellishments and journaling.

Thank you for looking!
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  • Love
  • Haha
Reactions: lacy and ksacry
What an awesome, and adorable page, Miki. I so love the large photo, the depth you've captured with it, and the OOB of the round frame. He obviously has inherited your artistic talent. Looking forward to seeing where his art takes him. ♥
J'aime beaucoup votre template Miki, tout cela me rappelle des souvenirs avec mes pts fils, on a fait beaucoup de choses, mais jamais de dioramas, c'était une très bonne idée, j'aime beaucoup la grande photo, il a gardé son talent artistique , le mien est passionné par la mer, d'où mon dernier scrap. :)
Love how you used the circle frame and extraction, and your use of color. Very fun!
Wonderful! I didn't even know what a diarama was, and certainly not at 5yo. LOL! And thanks for the explanation on clipped AND OOB photos. I hadn't quite figured that out, and a quick search produced nothing.
Wonderful! The extraction and placement is fantastic! Love that he was such a planner.
Hahahahaha! I am also known for my "logistics management." Love this layout. The pop out on the circle frame is something I am definitely going to try in my new album, once I get out of Churning Pages Mode.
Oh gosh this is sweet! That extraction over the circle frame is brilliant! I love that movie, looking forward to watching it with Oz :-)

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Anna Aspnes
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444.3 KB
1000px x 1000px

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