

He Found His Wings

  • Media owner Amandajk
  • Date added
Daddy took flight today. This challenge, I knew the page would be about him. He was given 6 months 3 weeks ago, but I guess he had his own schedule. He passed at 7:22 this morning. I will miss you, Dad. I will always always have your voice, your words echoing in my life.
Credits list
52-2022-21-ldavi Spring Wings
LDavison You Make My Heart Sing
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Lorie Davison
I'm so sorry, Amanda, but what a beautiful and heartfelt tribute. I know it sounds cliche, but he's in a better place, with his Lord. Sending lots or prayers, cyber hugs and love. Je was a very handsome man. :brokenheart::brokenheart:
I am so sorry Amanda!
Your tribute layout is beyond beautiful. I love the wings! May he soar over you every day. I love the reflection you created.
So sorry for your loss, Amanda!
When our parents have to leave us, we stop being children. I wish you and your family a lot of strength for the time to come!
Your Layouts are made with love and thankfulness.
I am so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute to your Dad. Regardless of when it happens, it is an awful loss. May you find comfort in scrapping beautiful pages of him in the future. I find that helps me re missing my parents even after a lot of years. Scrapping pages with their photos have me feel like I am visiting with them. I hope in time, you will find that as well and it will be cathartic. My sincere condolences on the loss of your sweet father.
Love that you created this memorial page about your Dad. It is so beautiful and heart-touching. Love the reflection and the soft and dreamy effect. Sending love to you and the family.

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Challenges, Challenge 7,

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825.2 KB
800px x 800px

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