
hang on tight, boy.

hang on tight, boy.

Who knew that night what a journey those two young people were in for? We certainly didn't. It's been an adventure for sure. A rollicking good one :)

Me and my hubby at our rehearsal dinner so long ago...

And who knew that one designer could make me feel creative every day? Anna sure can. I kept this one really simple and it still shows off her amazing talent!

Anna Aspnes

ArtPlay Palette Adventure
Kerry - you must have been a VERY young bride - what a great photo. love the colors - can't wait to download this kit.
I love the simplicity of this layout, very effective focusing on your wonderful photo!
Oh so young and cute! Wonderful design simplicity. Love how the stripes in hubby's tie mimic the masking.
omgosh, look at you! what a fabulous photo. love how you turned the papers. this is just perfect!
Awwww!!!!! ADORABLE photo of the two of youand he DOES look a lot like Davy Jones! Wonderful choice to keep this simple, Kerry!

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Anna Aspnes
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