
Betty Jo

Half Full or Half Empty

  • Media owner Betty Jo
  • Date added
Created for: March AJ Challenge Week 3 {PERSPECTIVE}

Journaling reads:
They say, if you see the glass half full, you’re an optimist. And, if you see the glass half empty, you’re a pessimist. For many years I perceived my life and world as half empty. But, by practicing gratefulness, my perspective has changed dramatically, and I now see the glass as half full, or even running over. No matter what is going on, I try to remember all that I have to be thankful for.
Credits list
White Space (three) – Joyful Heart Designs
My Life Story Bundle – Vicki Robinson Designs
A Perfect Day Collection – Vicki Robinson Designs
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Joyful Heart Designs
  2. Vicki Robinson Designs
Photo(s) Credit (REQUIRED field beginning Feb 1, 2025)
Watercolor image of glasses: Mine, processed with AI, Photoshop, Topaz
  • Love
Reactions: joyfulheartdesigns
This is wonderful and spot on Betty Jo!!!! I love the glasses and how they're different colors. What a wonderful visual of perspective and how changing it can be so different. :heartpumppink:
This is wonderful and spot on Betty Jo!!!! I love the glasses and how they're different colors. What a wonderful visual of perspective and how changing it can be so different. :heartpumppink:
Thanks so much, Tracy. I woke up one morning thinking of the half full, half empty glasses and knew I had been given a theme for 'Perspective.'
This is brilliant, Betty Jo! I LOVE how you angled the final journaling and made such a wonderful point out of your change of perspective. Very artful and creative page!

Layout information

Art Journal
Added by
Betty Jo
Date added
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Additional categories
Joyful Heart Designs, Vicki Robinson Designs, Oscraps Cheery O's,

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File size
182.4 KB
800px x 800px

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