
GrandFather - Digidare 125

GrandFather - Digidare 125

Masks II and Fix IT by Bohemian art at Scrapartist
Imagine Things With Wings by LaurieAnnHGD at Scrapartist
Design it Forward-Winter Romance at Scrapartist
Live Love Lought blogfreebie by Designer Dawn Vander Stoep, createwings designs
Creation23 Freebie AddOn by Catherine Paturet and createwings designs
Fonts: Chopin, Tungfont, Toms Handwriting

Tree: family / Beach: quiet, life cycle / wings: Angel / hearts: love / Key: secret / clock: time now

Jornaul in portuguese
Eu me arrependo muito de no ter me despedido de meu Av Geraldo.
Ele foi o nico av que conheci, pai de 12 filhos, cuidou da familia com muita dignidade e trabalho. Sua presena e alegria constante era o que nos unia. Nossa famlia nunca mais foi a mesma depois que ele se foi.
Sinto muita saudade, dele e desse tempo.
O que mais sinto e no ter me despedido, ele estava com cancer e teve uma morte lenta, foi ficando cada vez mais magro e fraco. E eu fiquei assutada e com medo, no queria ver ele daquele jeito, no queria me lembrar dele assim. Ele foi a primeira pessoa que perdi, eu tinha apenas uns onze anos, e o medo no me deixou dizer a ele o quanto o amava, admirava e sentiria falta, no me deixou ir ao enterro.
Sempre que penso nisso choro, queria muito ter demonstrado o quando ele importante pra mim. Ter deixado ele me ensinar a danar forro e seguir com esse legado to alegre que ele tanto gostava.

Google traduction
I very much regret not having me fired from my Grandmother Geraldo.Ele was the only grandmother I knew, the father of 12 children, cared for the family with great dignity and work. His constant presence and joy was what united us. Our family was never the same after he is gone.
I miss a lot, and that his time.
What else and I have not fired me, he had cancer and had a slow death, was getting increasingly thin and weak. And I was scared and afraid, did not want to see him like that, I do not remember him well. He was the first person I lost, I had only some eleven years, and not afraid to tell me how much he loved him, admired and miss, no let me go to the funeral. When I cry about it, I have shown the most when it is important to me. Have left him teach me to dance and then lining with this legacy so happy that he liked both.

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