


More musings on my family research!

Made with APP Impressario, the exclusive Palette that coordinates with the next class in the Masterly Brushes series:


*** I'll be back later with the process ***
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Wonderful page Fiona... reflecting back on the what-ifs... the green eye and dabs of whimsy elements are perfect... the blending and faded photo capture the mystery... your history of Traveller tradition in your family would be so interesting to research...
He certainly was handsome. I'm fascinated by your family stories. I wish I could go back and sit on my grandfather's knee while he told me the story of his life also. I once had the great good luck to hear my husband's grandmother tell her life story. I was babysitting her one morning and wondered what to talk to her about. I forget my first question but it was as thought she was just waiting for someone to ask her it. I wish I'd had a tape recorder with me because I can't remember the half of what she told me. We sat there together for 2 hours. I doubt I'll
ever get another opportunity like it. Love your page by the way. Love how you blend your photos into the different layers. Also love how you introduced colour.
Fantastic page Fiona, the man in the front with the blue/green eyes is beautiful! A great composition and colors. Unfortunately this old woman can't read the text, even with my reading glasses on. :rolleyes:
Very handsome, reminds me of the lads in Peaky Blinders. Fascinating about your GrandDads travelers history. I also have that heritage on my Dad's side. For them, being a "horse trader" was a huge compliment...at least that's all I remember. Adore how you've made his eyes the focal of your amazing art.
He certainly IS handsome! Loved reading your journaling! You have blended the many photos so perfectly into a fantastic collage! And I love the background color and that you added a shade of that color to his eyes! Fantastic page! This is print-worthy and frame-worthy!

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Anna Aspnes
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6.9 MB
Date taken
Sun, 19 March 2023 7:03 PM
1000px x 1000px

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