
Goodbye, Hello!  Aniticpatory Grief_1_A4.jpg

Goodbye, Hello! Aniticpatory Grief_1_A4.jpg

My Mom has reached the point in her life where modern medicine is no longer helpful. The aging process has accelerated, and if she has informed us that if another stroke or heart episode occurs, they will NOT call EMS, nor take any action. This was hard to hear. I am glad I was able to make the trip to see her and Dad in April. But the past month I have experienced something I did not know existed; anticapatory grief. It's a thing. Not a fun thing. But maybe, just maybe it will be a healthy thing for me. There won't be any service or goodbye as they both donated their bodies to science. So this is how I am dealing with it. I will see her on the other side.
Credits list
Lorie Davison Journey
RJefferies A Better Place, Patina collage, Hope Shines Bright, W ings Unfolded
MdGroot DAisy, Calibrachchoa
Pavlinka On Chalkboard All Boy
This is beautiful! The butterfly eyes just say so much on their own but along with your journaling just make this whole LO so emotional and touching. STANDING O!!!
What an absolutely beautiful art journal page. I'm glad you have found a way to work through the emotions and changes.
This is beautiful! The butterfly eyes just say so much on their own but along with your journaling just make this whole LO so emotional and touching. STANDING O!!!
Thank you.:heartpumpred: I appreciate your comment. It has been a surprise and a difficult month, but knowing that it "is a thing" has helped- I'm not crazy, lol.
How amazing that you so eloquently put your thoughts and feelings into this page, and created something lovely in the process. Congrats on your Standing O!
Such a thought provoking page. I can feel your deep emotions by just looking at it.
Thank you so much for playing along with this month's different size challenge!

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Aniticpatory Grief_1_A4.jpg
File size
304.1 KB
Date taken
Fri, 26 May 2023 8:01 PM
750px x 580px

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