


  • Yam
its so important to have fun and take things easy between the members of the family. Sometimes family becomes a very heavy, conflicted environment that causes us to feel uncomfortable, unease, it becomes a hard task to want to be there, together sharing willingly what is in our journey...
This is why I believe its so important to just meet for fun, for silliness, for a picnic, a meal or just going to the beach
together without bringing problems, hard feelings and hurts from the past that happened so long ago. Just to live the love, the forgiveness, the joy of being together. I believe there is a reason we are born to specific parents, that we have these kids and not the neighbors ones, There is a journey that we need to do together in this lifetime, so lets do it with content and happiness as much as we can. At least let's try!
Everything from Roben-Marie Smith at Paperbag Studios
Alpha: Notebook alpha
Paper from the Tattered stacks
Clock & Wa from Gentle reminder kit
Doodle from Silent Nectar
Flowers, glitter + swirl from Sparked day
Heart overlay from Be in love overlays
Masks from Painted photo masks
String with buttons, & mesh from Considering ruby
Flower element from Cloud nine overlays
Font abadi
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