


  • Media owner Agata
  • Date added
Agata & Aga’s Family Board:
1. Smokey – a tuxedo boy who LOVES food
2. Rory - aka Red King, a very beautiful but very cowardly boy
3. Daisy - aka a ghost cat, girl in love with Rory; anyone else may not exist
4. Frajda - the dog, the sweetest, gentlest, and most stubborn girl
5. Daffodil - aka Daffy, another tuxedo boy and a complete “mush-man”
6. Scar – an outdoor boy, very human-friendly (totally feral in 2020, now sleeps on my lap for hours) but a complete terror to any other cat
7. Our home, called the House of a Dragonfly for the door knocker shaped like that insect, and our car, called Miluś (translating into Peachy One or Nice One)
Credits list
A Whimsical Adventure - The Butterfly Effect and Sophia
A Whimsical Adventure and Joyce Paul - It's Always Tea Time
Anna Aspnes - Curled Paper Frames No. 1, LightLeak Frames No. 1, and MultiMedia Related No. 1
Crafty Button Designs - Flea Market Finds: Brushes
Laitha - Charming Heritage
Viki Stegall - Just Breathe
Viva Artistry - Pin Board (used to be on Oscraps)
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  2. A Whimsical Adventure
  3. Crafty Button Designs
  4. Joyce Paul Designs
  5. Laitha
  6. Vicki Stegall
  7. Viva Artistry
Photo(s) Credit (REQUIRED field beginning Feb 1, 2025)
Photos taken by me
  • Love
Reactions: vickyday
I love this! Great take on the challenge! Great collection of photos! Thanks for the introduction! ;). And thanks so much for participating in the challenge!

Layout information

Challenge 7
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File size
231.5 KB
Date taken
Fri, 08 February 2008 9:49 AM
800px x 800px

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