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Journalling;This is a picture taken 3 days shy of my 27th birthday, a photo shoot for our engagement pictures.
I had very few dreams and aspirations, other than to reach the top of my career lader in IT and be happy with my future husband, maybe travel with him. I was told at age 20 I could have no children due to severe endomertiosis. 18 months after this picture was taken I was married and shocked but very delighted to discover I was pregnant with my first baby.

Everything for me changed from that moment on. I had responsibilities, no more late night partying, no more carefree lifestyle, life was changing.

I discovered for the first time that life was and is important and shouldnt be wittled away. Life is not a dress rehersal, you get one shot at it and God wants me to be a good wife and mother. From that moment on my very selfish life had changed.

I have been blessed by God with the most adorable 2
children and I have learnt through them to imagine, to dream. I gave up my high powered career to cherish in the splendour of motherhood and through them I have and will continue to learn all about living.

They, along with my wonderful husband, have tought me to believe in myself, I may never be perfect but to them I am.

I still dont have many dreams, but I aspire to see
my family grow, be there for my daughters wedding to be the proud mother of the bride. To watch my son grow into a wonderful man, and watch my grandchildren grow.

All I really want out of life is happiness and health for my family, nothing more and nothing less.

Everything from Dream Board Kit by Kiki Scraps, available at 3Scrapateers

Font; Lucida Sans Typewriter
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