
Dog Days

Dog Days

  • pom
Okay, this is not a new layout.
But it's still (and probably will always be) one of my own all-time favorite pages.
It's special to me in so many ways. :)


Dog days, according to wikipedia and other online sources,
is a phrase used to describe the hottest and most humid period of summer
when time halts to a standstill and nothing ever seems to get done.
In other words, it's a period of stagnation.
How appropriate that it is also the name of a small restaurant that we frequented
over a span of a year, almost 10 years ago.
At that time, we were still young professionals just starting a career.
Apart from the love for good arts and good food, we also shared frustration
in what we were doing for a living. Our lives were progressing so slowly and
not in the direction we wanted it to be.
We were lucky though to still have each other to get drunk and vent out with.

Fast forward to the present,
Dog Days the restaurant went out of business long time ago.
There're changes in our lives too.
The girl who took this picture becomes a top p.r. exec.
One friend is now a famous actor, another owns a comic publishing house.
Two succeeds in the music business as singers / songwriters.
One learned a new language from scratch and now manages an international company overseas,
while two are enjoying lives as architects.
And me? I am happily married, raising a son, and loving my job.
As clich as it sounds, the photograph reminds me that dog days will pass, and life does go on........


All from Black or White mini kit of Dunia Designs
Title by me
I can see why this is a favorite page- you have captured much more than a photo here!

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